About Us
Endless Possibilities Therapy and Learning is an agency founded by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist with a master's degree in education. As a mother of two children with special needs, our founder has dedicated her life to early intervention, education and the field of behavior analysis for individuals of all ages and needs. She believes every person has endless possibilities and it is her mission to help them achieve a better quality of life through supportive and effective services.
At Endless Possibilities, our philosophy is to provide services in the individual's natural routines and settings to promote an inclusive, supportive environment for all individuals regardless of their needs or abilities; where each person is met right where they are and helped to develop into their full potential.
The purpose of this organization is:
to teach our clients in a way that meets their individual needs, strengths and current levels of development to promote inclusion, socialization, and independence;
to empower families to be their child’s greatest teacher and role model by promoting respect, honesty and commitment to collaboration towards their child’s best future outcomes;
and to provide the best work environment that attracts and retains the most effective and dedicated professionals through a positive culture committed to improving the lives of the clients we serve, their families, and ourselves through creative and effective teaching and intervention strategies, training, collaboration and professional development.
At Endless Possibilities Therapy and Learning, we’re passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of the clients we serve utilizing evidence-based, effective, and respectful strategies that match the values, needs, skills, and resources of those who implement and experience the intervention. Let us know how we can best serve you!

​"When a flower doesn't bloom you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower". Alexander Den Heijer